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ADECOM - notes from meeting held on 18th December.

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ADECOM - notes from meeting held on 18th December. Empty ADECOM - notes from meeting held on 18th December.

Post  Admin Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:08 am




In attendance:

Jose Ruiz Oliva (Pepe “Perico”) – Museo del Vino (President)
Sebastián Chavos – Country Properties and Chavos Construction (Vice President)
Maribel Gordillo Gaona - (Secretary)
Lisa Hastrup Stilling – Inland Properties (Treasurer)
Tina Irving – Caledonian Iberian ConeXions S.L. (Spokesperson and Foreign Representative)
Stephen Brogan – Brogan Properties (Spokesperson)
Ken England – potential radio station (Spokesperson)

Following the formal constitution of the Association of Cómpeta (ADECOM), and on receipt of the papers by the President, a meeting was called to discuss a way forward to invite all registered businesses in Cómpeta to a meeting. The President had also received information about a grant which is available to open an office for the association, and for staffing it.


The objectives of the meeting were:

· To agree a date, time and place for the meeting
· To agree an agenda for the meeting
· To agree how businesses could be invited
· To agree the format of the letter to be sent to the businesses
· To agree how the grant available would be applied for and progressed.

Main points from the meeting:

1. The date of the meeting was agreed as being 15th January, 19:30 hours in the Salón de Actos, Ayuntamiento de Cómpeta
2. The agenda will be to present to the businesses the progress to date, and to nominate candidates for the definitive committee.
3. Leo Leogivildo (Economic Development Officer, Ayuntamiento de Cómpeta) will arrange delivery of the agreed letter (in English and Spanish) to all businesses. The letters will be delivered by hand and businesses will have to sign for them. This will be paid for by the association once it has received funds from the grant. Tina presented a draft invitation letter which was revised. Lisa to translate it into Spanish. Copies to be given to Pepe.
4. The association has its own CIF number already. Lisa to speak to the asesores to set up the paperwork.
5. The format of the letter will be put on the forum web site when it has been translated.
6. If people want to nominate new members of the definitive committee, the nominated person must be in agreement. If the nominated person cannot be in attendance for any reason, there will be a form on the forum which can be downloaded and completed once it has been prepared.
7. The constitution of the association is currently held by the President until an office has been established.
8. Pepe has a meeting with UTEDLT to discuss the costs and possible location of the office on 19th December. UTEDLT = Unidad Territorial de Empleo, Desarrollo Local y Tecnológico –Consorcio UTEDLT Sierra Almijara. Based in Torrox.
9. It was noted that other villages such as Sayalonga, Canillas de Albaida and Canillas de Aceituno have their own business associations, as has Nerja, and that there are general meetings between them in representation of the Axarquia.
10. Tourist Office – it was noted that the renovations of the tourist office would be completed in February and a professional person with good language skills would be appointed by the town hall.
11. Pepe and Lisa will officiate at the meeting on the 15th. Tina will write the minutes
12. It was generally agreed that promotion of the village was foremost in peoples´ mind and that we should aim at attending such trade fairs as FITUR which takes place in Madrid at the end of January. It was noted that Cómpeta town hall are not attending this year, but that APTA are. Asociación para la Promoción Turística de la Axarquia, of which Cómpeta is a member.
13. The committee are required to keep a minute book – this will be held in the new office.
14. The committee are required to make available the constitution for anyone who asks for it – this will be held in the new office.
15. There is already an online forum (in English) at https://competa.forumakers.com/. This can be enhanced in Spanish by person who runs the new office.
16. Tina will put the documentation from UTEDLT on the forum.

Next steps:

1. Book the Salón de Actos for the meeting - Tina
2. Revise the draft letter and translate it into Spanish. Give a copy to Pepe. - Tina and Lisa
3. Draft a job description for the person who is to man the office and give it to Leo for distribution in the Job Centres. ?Tina / Lisa / Pepe
4. Agree costs for the office – all committee
5. Agree a salary for the employee (2 days per week / 2 hours per day for 5 days?). Tina, Lisa and Steve all volunteered to help while the office was being set up and until a person was appointed – to be included in the costs
6. Find a suitable office which is secure, independent and within Cómpeta - ? Pepe with UTEDLT
7. Interview suitable candidates for the role of “project officer” - ?Lisa


Posts : 65
Join date : 2008-03-27
Location : Cómpeta


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